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Mission Statement

The mission of the Ohio Practitioners' Network for Fathers and Families is to enhance the outcomes of children, families and communities by providing information, training and encouragement to father and family-serving practitioners.

Statement of Principles

• Fathers are essential in the lives of their children.
• A positively engaged father improves the quality of life for children, family and community.
• A healthy community values and celebrates fathers.
• Training, resources, and network opportunities strengthen the capacity of practitioners and organizations to optimally serve fathers and families.


Practitioners and organizations throughout Ohio will intentionally and strategically engage fathers
in their work with families because of the collaborative leadership of OPNFF.

Membership Benefits

• Priority Registration for Training Events
• Opportunities to Network with Other Practitioners
• Representation in a Statewide Fatherhood Network



Contact Us

Ohio Practitioners' Network for Fathers and Families (OPNFF)
P.O. Box 606194
Cleveland, OH  44106

TEXT: 216.245.7842*


Support Us

Click on the link below to contribute or mail donation checks, payable to OPNFF to:

P.O. Box 606194
Cleveland, OH  44106

All contributions are tax deductible.  Thank you for your support of Ohio's fathers and families!


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